6 Great Substitutes for Sumac [+ Make Your Own]

Sumac is a popular spice used in Middle Eastern cuisine. It has a tart, lemony flavor that can add a lot of depth to dishes. However, if you don’t have sumac on hand or you’re looking for a substitute, there are plenty of other spices that can give your food the same flavor profile. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best substitutes for sumac when cooking!

Lemon Zest

Lemon zest is a great substitute for sumac because it has a similar tart, acidic flavor. You can use lemon zest to add flavor to salads, fish dishes, and more.

If you’re using lemon zest as a sumac substitute, be sure to use it sparingly because it is very potent.

Lemon Juice

If you don’t have lemon zest on hand, you can also use lemon juice as a substitute for sumac. Lemon juice will give your dish a similar tart flavor, but it won’t add the same depth of flavor that sumac would.


Another great substitute for sumac is vinegar. Vinegar has a tart, acidic flavor that will mimic the flavor of sumac in your dish. You can use any type of vinegar, but white vinegar or apple cider vinegar are the best options.

Lemon Juice

One great substitute for sumac is lemon juice. If you don’t have any sumac on hand, simply add some lemon juice to your dish. This will give it a tart, lemony flavor that is similar to sumac. You can also use lime juice as a substitute. Another option is to use vinegar, which will also provide a similar tartness to your dish.

Tamarind Paste

Another excellent substitute for sumac is tamarind paste. Tamarind paste is a common ingredient in Indian cuisine and it has a sour, tangy flavor that is similar to sumac. You can find tamarind paste at most Asian markets or online. If you can ‘t find tamarind paste, you can also use fresh tamarind fruit.

Pomegranate Molasses

Pomegranate molasses is another great substitute for sumac. It has a sweet and tart flavor that is similar to sumac. You can find pomegranate molasses at most Middle Eastern markets or online.

So there you have it, some of the best substitutes for sumac when cooking! If you don’t have sumac on hand, simply reach for one of these other ingredients to give your dish the same flavor profile. With these substitutes, you’ll be able to create delicious meals that are full of flavor!

Substitutes for Sumac


How do you make your own sumac spice?

You can make your own sumac spice by grinding the berries of the sumac plant. Sumac berries are red and grow in clusters. You can find them at most Middle Eastern markets or online. Once you’ve ground the berries, you can use the powder as a spice in any dish!

What does sumac taste like?

Sumac has a tart, lemony flavor that is perfect for adding depth to dishes. If you’re looking for a substitute, try lemon zest, lemon juice, vinegar, tamarind paste, or pomegranate molasses. All of these ingredients will give your dish a similar flavor profile.

How do you use sumac spice?

Sumac spice can be used in a variety of dishes. It’s often used to add flavor to salads, fish dishes, and more. You can also use it as a seasoning for chicken or lamb. If you’re looking for a substitute, try lemon zest, lemon juice, vinegar, tamarind paste, or pomegranate molasses. All of these ingredients will give your dish a similar flavor profile.

Do you have to grind sumac berries?

Yes, in order to make sumac powder, you need to grind the berries of the sumac plant. Sumac berries are red and grow in clusters. You can find them at most Middle Eastern markets or online. Once you’ve ground the berries, you can use the powder as a spice in any dish!

What’s a good substitute for sumac in Za’atar

As we all know, sumac is a key ingredient in za’atar. But what do you do when you don’t have any sumac on hand? Luckily, there are several ingredients that make great substitutes for sumac in za’atar. We suggest lemon or lime zest

About Rachelle

Hi, I'm Rachel! I love cooking and finding new recipes but was always missing one of the ingredients in my kitchen. I created Can I Substitute? for people like me who are one substitute away from a great meal. If you're looking for great ingredient substitutes you've come to the right place. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.